Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i missed the rigs...

ok.. i know i'm naggy.
3posts in a day..

but i really really have to blog abt this...
i had a great lecture just now! hahaha..

we got an invited lecturer from transocean..
and he gave us a big overview of the drilling process.
"from reservoir to oil"

and he talked quite a fair bit on drilling rigs and stuff..


gosh.. seeing all the pictures and listening to all the things he talked about.
i really wish i could board a rig again.

all the derrick, drill floor, driller cabin, control room, mud pumps, pipes, drilling equipments..

i totally missed it!
i sooo wished the next time i'll get the chance to work with rigs again..

it's really a great lecture.. not that i learned alot but it just feels nice to hear about rigs..
and the fact that i saw the rigs at the yard when the class ended. it just totally melts my heart.
the familar feeling...

anyway, i've been giving wat yishan told me great thoughts..
but i've come to the conclusion that i'm unable to do wat she did.

sorry darling..
i wish i'm as daring as u but really...
it's just not me.
guess i'll just have to take it slow and see how things go ba.

but love you sweetie! u're simply the best person to talk to regarding all these stuff..
hahaha.. but seem like i've lots of things with u now that u could blackmail me with already.. =P

P.S. ajeossi, boposshoyo

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