Friday, February 15, 2008

understanding role in family.

i think i can turn that into a module already.

i haven been studying my family behaviour for a quite some time and came to this conclusion:

i am the best object at home to let out all fraustration.
my room is transforming into common room.

i suppose my character of keeping quiet when ppl is talking is the main reason.
and that my room's door is always open, play a part too.

honestly, i dun like my room to become the common room.
it is afterall, MY ROOM!
it's a loss of private space... and ppl just dun get it when i tell them to get out.

sometimes it's just plain irritating.
to be the object which everyone come and talk to.
and even more irritating is that what they tell u, were meant for someone else.
bcoz they dun want the risk of being talked back,
they talk to me.

just plain plain plain weird.

anyway, i'm just 发发牢骚...
maybe suddenly too many ppl talking to me after i got home, scares me.
hahaha.. and maybe it's becoz i just watch a lousy movie.

ah long pte ltd is seriously lousy.
to think that i was sceptical to wat critics says.
there's no plot at all.
no much laughing points.
and a real bad twist in the end!

but anyway, one good thing today is that i heard a really nice voice.
she's called 王若琳 ( joanna wang).
i really love her voice. 低沉又带磁性.
the first time i heard i thought it's tanya chua.
but then after hearing a few more times, it just felt different.

i especially like 因为我爱你 by her.
it's the 片尾曲for 我在垦丁天气晴...
(oh.. it's a nice show. with occasional 佳句)

anyway, i cant find the source of the song anywhere.. =(
maybe it's too new.
i'll wait a few more wks and see how.
if i really cant d/l anywhere. maybe i'll just get her album! =P

oh! going for a interview on tuesday.
getting pretty excited over it.
time to do some serious research on the company i guess.
hmpf! dun say i not agressive with my job hunting k. =P

i dislike beating around the bush.
dunno y i suddenly want to type that. but it just came into mind.
time for bed.
good nite world.

我在垦丁天气晴makes me want to read 小王子again.

P.S. ajeossi, boposshoyo
cant wait to watch the movie.
hahaha.. i'm quite a movie addict.

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