Wednesday, January 16, 2008


finally cut my hair!
hahaha.. no much difference but at least it's not so heavy le.. =)

lazy to upload photo. =P

anyway today weather seem really good..
at least it's sunny whole day till now...
not like yesterday...
got drenched on the way to sch even though i brought an umbrella.

develop a flu during class but i din have tissue with me..
argh... now then i know italians say tissue as 'hankie'
had a hard time trying to get my italian fren to undertand what i need when my nose is flowing like an out of control tap...
but thank God he finally got it. =P
proves that action is still better than words.. hahahaha...

but quite sianz... still got a flowing nose. =(

anyway, i was nua-ing in hall with mommy this morning..
(=P manage to get her send me to sch. =P)
and i think how nice it would be to lay on the bed hugging someone i like in a lazy afternoon.
just plain doing nothing. maybe just stare out of the window at the clear blue sky and fall asleep like that..
hahaha... i suddenly turn into a romantic!
but still think it will be nice. to feel the special someone beside u.
gosh! where did i get those ideas from?? maybe too much dramas le.... =P

today's weather is simply too good to be working.. hahaha...
but no choice.. have to work!!!!
starting to build my powerpoint for interim presentation le...
jia you ger! if u reach a certain target, i'll allow you to do something reward urself a little.. heee....

P.S. ajeossi, boposshoyo

want to share this video with you. nothing great about the lyrics or melody.
but when i was listening to this song in the car and the sun shining down on my face.
suddenly had a feeling of warmth... and it's lively! makes ppl happy!~ =)

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