Wednesday, January 30, 2008

boring day.


finally wore this tshirt!
bought in yr 1 but it got kept till dunno where...

anyway, din wore it today lah..
wore on monday but just remember to upload the pic now.. hahahaha..

HR taught on monday is really very useful!
one of the theory says: ur emotions is linked to ur actions.
so if u keep a smiley face, u will generally feel happy.

so applying it to my tshirt,
if i wear this tshirt that say "i feel good" ,
i will feel good!

ok.. that's crappy. but today was a boring day...
lecture was sooooooo slow...
hahaha.. but the good thing is that i sat with edina.
whenever i'm bored, i'll complain to her.. hahaha..
and she'll keep me entertained.. =P
erm... k lah.. shld be we kept each other entertained! hahahaha...

lucky i'm not taking the floating structure module... hahaha
think i'll be bored to death there.. =P
sorry kiat hui!
hahaha... he spent the whole dinner yesterday trying to tell me how good that module is...
but i'm simply not into it lah.. felt that i'm a bit rude coz i wasnt paying my full attention to wat he's talking... but i really cant help it!

eh.. i also dunno why i'm saying all this but then uncle robson asked me to write long long long blog post...
but i really nothing to write le...

i'm such a boring person...

opps.. i'm not suppose to say that too often.. if not i'll condition my mind to think i'm really boring... hahahaha... another HR concept...

seriously, i think that HR lesson was the one most important and most impactful lesson i ever attended in the whole uni life.

P.S. ajeossi, boposshoyo

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